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2012, What a Year!!

Seriously guys, 2012 was/is and will be the kind of year I love to both cherish and hate. I quit a job and ventured into uncertainties. Co-founded a start up with less than Rs. 10,000 in my account. Yes, you heard it right. That was the most crazy thing I ever did and could be the best as well.

2012 is the bitch that took a bosom friend away and i am never going to forgive and forget that incident. Getting closer to Taj Mahal was my dream and when I was living that dream, my phone rang fetching me the most saddening news-the death of my bosom friend, a real fighter. The glory and wonder of Taj, all vanished into thin air and I was engulfed with deep sorrow.

About the business I co-founded,sheer luck is the one word that defines it.

I joined and rejoined gym a few times. Sleepless nights and irregular eating,  I put on a few pounds (no its not few pounds, I do have a real big pot belly now. ) And my bank balance  has slightly improved.

2013, sleepless nights, hard work and gyming. Looks like another roller coaster ride :P